Working at a brine plant to help solve carbonate and sulphate fouling in its system

Our success at this production plant was said to be a world first in dealing with carbonate and sulphate fouling in brine systems.

About our work

One of our distributors was asked to install AquaVantage technology as part of a series of trials conducted by the site owners at a UK brine plant.

Scale coupons were suspended in the brine flow throughout the plant to access scale growth at various positions. The thickness of scale on the coupons was plotted weekly against the total brine flow.

The challenge

The aim of the trials was to prevent fouling by crude and refined brine where chemical alternatives were neither permitted nor practical. Our digital solution offered a desirable option and we were asked to take part.

To meet the rigorous demands of the trials, we firstly designed and supplied a special custom unit to treat two 18-inch pipes with 1.8Amps each.

Our distributor’s engineers worked closely with the site owners, providing substantial support to ensure our technology was installed correctly.

There was a requirement for the engineers to return after a few weeks to re-wrap the coils, which are integral to our solution. At the outset the application pipes were heavily rusted and, as the AquaVantage process converted rust from Iron II to its denser and non-reactive black Iron III form, the coils had become loose, falling to the ground.

Our solution

Once correctly in place, our AquaVantage technology was left to successfully treat the two 18-inch pipes.

There were significant reductions in scaling rates at all positions, where scale coupons were suspended in the brine flow throughout the plant. When scale did form it was very soft, which made it much easier to remove.

This trial continued for some time, with further results proving the success of our technology. The customer then decided to buy one of our units for permanent use.

The right solution

Whether a larger industrial pipe or a small domestic network, our AquaVantage units scale to fit. The external pipe size of the installation point sets the electrical characteristics for the unit you will require.

Domestic unit

Our smallest unit for household use, on incoming main and boiler pipework

Mid-range unit

For mid-range sized pipes such as commercial buildings, hotels, swimming pool supply lines


Our largest standard units for major industrial pipes well over a meter in diameter

To discuss your requirements… CONTACT US TODAY

Meet others who have solved scale issues

Three weeks after application – and with no acid washing having taken place during this time – the station’s pipes were examined. Instead of the expected ½” hard-rock limescale, only a thin film of sludge was seen.
Read the case study about our work at a power station’s cooling tower ›



  • We’re a technology company using a unique electromagnetic waveform and our own tech to digitally treat water and solve the toughest of scale problems in pipes of all sizes. From domestic pipework to large-scale industrial pipes, we’re confident you’ll typically achieve payback within 3-12 months. If not, we’ll work with you to make it work.

  • 01872 561288